Lionel Messi: Ernesto Valverde was clear from the start

Lionel Messi: Ernesto Valverde was clear from the start

El objetivo de Leo Messi es intentar ganarlo todo esta temporada / | Maite Jiménez

The Barcelona star showed off his new boots at the Palau Sant Jordi

Lionel Messi presented his new boots at the Palau Sant Jordi, the day after he put on another show as he helped Barcelona beat Espanyol to reach the Copa del Rey semi-finals.

The Argentine said "luckily things went well and we passed a difficult test yesterday," after the 1-0 defeat from the first leg. "I'm happy with how things are going but there's a long way to go. We have the same (objective) that we have every season, to try and win it all."

On the arrival of Coutinho and Yerry Mina, he said "they tried to sign them in the summer. Masche went and a defender came to replace him (Mina). I'm happy they are with us."


Messi usually doesn't talk much but he did save some praise for Ernesto Valverde. "He was clear from the start, he said what he wanted and we adapted. It was not that different to what we had been doing. We made ourself stronger defensively and up front we have players who have a lot of quality to resolve games." 

Asked about rotation, Messi added: "I go through it normally and calmly. The coach decides. We talk about it and I have no problem being rotated like other players here."

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