"Leo Messi has no obligation to win the Champions League"

"Leo Messi has no obligation to win the Champions League"

Messi celebrando el título de Liga con su hijo Ciro
Messi celebrando el título de Liga con su hijo Ciro | sport

Valverde also spoke about Messi being awarded a special honour in Catalunya

"Leo Messi has no obligation to win the Champions League." Ernesto Valverde's words in his press conference ahead of Wednesday's Champions League semifinal against Liverpool. 

The Barça coach was very clear in his explanation and confirmed that the Argentine, like the rest of the squad, are "excited" ahead of the game. "All teams want to play these games," he added. 

Valverde was also asked about the decision to award Messi the Creu de Sant Jordi, the most important prize given out by the Catalan government. 

"It's an important prize from many points of view, not just sporting in terms of what Leo means to the world of football," Valverde began. 

"It's also a prize which transcends that journey, it's personal and social, it's about what Messi means to the Catalans." 

Valverde feels that for his "committment, attitude, for what he does on the pitch but also for his committment to Catalan city," Messi is a worthy winner of the prize. 

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