Leo Messi and Luis Suarez debut new looks in Barça training

Leo Messi and Luis Suarez debut new looks in Barça training

Leo Messi y su nuevo look, estrenado este jueves antes del Las Palmas - Barça
Leo Messi y su nuevo look, estrenado este jueves antes del Las Palmas - Barça | FC Barcelona

The two Barça players will be looking fresh for the Las Palmas game

Andres Iniesta was the centre of attention, though, on his 33rd birthday

Other than Andres Iniesta, who turned 33 on Thursday, Leo Messi and Luis Suarez were the focus of Barcelona’s training session as they prepared for Las Palmas. 

Messi and Suarez debuted ‘new looks’ and it did not go unnoticed by their Barça teammates. 

In the case of Messi, he’s had his beard trimmed for the first time in a while. The Argentine’s facial hair has been one of the marks of his identity since the Copa America defeat with Argentina. 

Luis Suarez, meanwhile, has changed his fringe and the cut of his hair around his neck.  

In the training session which took place on the Tito Vilanova pitch, Carles Aleña and Marlon Santos also took part to complete the numbers.

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