Koeman: Messi's left it to one side, it's absurd we're still talking about it!

Koeman: Messi's left it to one side, it's absurd we're still talking about it!

| sport

The Barcelona coach can't believe Messi's leaked contract is still a talking point

Ronald Koeman was once again asked in Tuesday's press conference about Lionel Messi's contract, which was leaked to El Mundo on Sunday.

The Barcelona coach said he can't believe the €555 million contract is still a talking point days after it came out in the press.

"I think it's absurd we're still talking about this issue three days on," he said. "The team and Leo responded in a way that I liked, trying to leave things that come out in the press to one side and focus on football. I am very happy with the team and how they're working at the moment.

"These things can come from many places. There's always competition among the big clubs, people on the outside with friends on the inside... I am always going to defend the club and my players. Leaks like this are not good. It was done with malicious intent, as I said the other day. 

"I'm speaking in general. If there's something trying to do damage to a player, we all protect and defend that player. That's the most important thing.

"Not just this (Messi) issue, but in general. When things come out, it's important to be even more united in the dressing room."


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