Jordi Alba's house robbed with the family in it

Jordi Alba's house robbed with the family in it

Jordi Alba sufrió un tremendo susto
Jordi Alba sufrió un tremendo susto | sport

According to El Pais police are investigating the robbery of Alba's house

Jordi Alba suffered a big scare last Monday, as published today in El País. Apparently, the Mossos de Esquadra police are investigating a robbery at the home of the footballer born in L'Hospitalet. The first indications point to the thieves entering through the garden and accessing the upper floor by forcing the blinds of one of the windows while the family was on the floor below.

The Catalan police received a call shortly before 8 pm on Monday. According to these same sources, the thieves broke into the safe box, and rifled through some drawers. The Mossos do not know the extent of the robbery.

The security guard who guards the property, located in the neighbourhood of La Bonanova, saw nothing but suspected a parked vehicle that left at full speed was involved.