Iniesta says Barça players still back themselves and coach Luis Enrique

Iniesta says Barça players still back themselves and coach Luis Enrique

"Of course the loss in Paris had an influence," he admitted of the Leganes display

As he did in Paris, Andres Iniesta was the Barcelona player to show his face in the mixed zone after Barcelona's 2-1 win against Leganes. 

Iniesta admitted the players were affected by the defeat to Paris Saint-Germain, but said they've not lost confidence in themselves and backed Luis Enrique. 

“We’ve not lost confidence in ourselves or in the manager,” the captain said.  

“I think it’s a one-off situation we’re going through. I’m sure we’ll recover those sensations which have seemed lost and our winning mentality for the upcoming challenges. 

“Nothing is lost and we have to be convinced that we’ll get back to doing things the right way. 

On struggling past Leganes, he added: “We knew it was going to be difficult after what happened in Paris. 

“Of course that had an influence. It wasn’t easy going into the game today after that. We’re humans and these things affect us. 

“There were some strange feelings: frustration, a lack of confidence… it’s inevitable. And then the way the game developed didn’t help. 

“Despite the early goal we weren’t able to put distance between ourselves and Leganes and that led to nerves and made the game difficult.” 

After the struggles against PSG, Barça's players were given a frosty receptiom by sections of Camp Nou. 

Iniesta called for their support, though, after they whistled Andre Gomes and Luis Enrique. 

"We need warmth and support from out fans," he said. "Of course the team must give them reason for hat and after the 4-0 in Paris it seems difficult.

"The new players, though, especially, need to be supported, not singled out."