Iniesta: Barcelona should always bet on the academy

Iniesta: Barcelona should always bet on the academy

 El de Fuentealbilla habló sobre el actual papel de la cantera azulgrana en una entrevista en exclusiva para SPORT / | Jordi Gil

The midfielder spoke to Jordi Gil while back in Spain over Christmas


Andrés Iniesta spent Christmas at home. While in Barcelona, he spoke to SPORT...

How's it been to be back?

Good, rested. We were excited to come back, to be at home, in Barcelona. 

Did you miss it?

I miss this, because I would love to be at Barça still if my body and head would allow it. I won't find anything to match this football, this stadium, these teammates... But I took another path and I am enjoying it. I am excited about what's to come and hope that this stage in my career will be important and special. 

Do you think the current Barça side lacks in academy players?

The academy has been and always will be important. The important thing is that they take advantage of the minutes they get. The coach knows them well and knows what he needs. Those that have a vision of the club, we believe that you have to bet on the youngsters and keep taking care of them so that they can play a role when their time comes. 

Messi told SPORT the academy was losing some weight... Does that sit well with those formed in-house?  

Those that have been through moments when there were eight of nine graduates in the XI, we saw that it wasn't normal in a club like this. The line to follow is to bet on the players with the capacity. It's true that for that to happen, a lot of conditions need to be met. When there are players with the right level and potential, we have to take care of them and give them chances. 

Should Barça look at the B team before signing? 

I think that's always been the idea. We have to use the academy. The players spend a lot of years at the club, they know the style of play and that's a plus. 

The academy has more success with coaches like Pep and Tito with the first team?

Van Gaal's not form the club and he bet on a lot of youngsters. I don't think it matters. The coaches know where they're coming, the club's idea and what the academy means for the club. 

When you were young, you had offers to leave, do you understand why players like Eric García and Adrià Bernabé prefer to go?

Entiendo su parte de razón. A partir de ahí cada jugador y familia es una historia. Cada uno piensa en lo mejor para él. El club siempre tiene que apostar por la gente de casa, la tiene nivel y cuidarlos. Hay que darles esa posibilidad, ese proyecto, que vean el primer equipo como algo alcanzable, no algo inalcanzable. Esto suma mucho para los jóvenes. A partir de ahí cada uno debe tomar sus decisiones. Mi determinación fue la de quedarme aquí en el Barça. Costara lo que costara, jugara lo que jugara. Del mismo modo, también digo que otras opciones como elegir otro destino son igual de respetables y hay jóvenes que prefieren salir para poder disfrutar de minutos.