Gerard Pique: If I hadn't renewed, I might have retired

Gerard Pique: If I hadn't renewed, I might have retired

Piqué, en rueda de prensa
Piqué, en rueda de prensa | sport

The defender signed on at Barcelona until 2022

Gerard Pique signed his new Barcelona contract on Monday until 2022. The defender says he would rather retire than play for another side.

"Staying here was always the natural thing," explained Pique. "I never planned for anything else. This has always been my home. Every season we've won at least one title. That's the best thing about my time here, the fact that we've always competed for trophies until the very end.

"I hope that it stays the same until I retire. It was Barca or nothing. I don't want to be anywhere else that isn't here. I am not motivated to play for another club. I play football to play for Barca. If I was at another team, I would have retired from football."

"I hope it won't be my last [deal]. To end my career here is something I have always wanted since I came back [from Man United] in 2008. I want to enjoy this moment, this day... and this season, which is going well but we have to keep going because there's a long way to go."