Gavi responds after the rude insults at Spain celebration in Madrid

Gavi responds after the rude insults at Spain celebration in Madrid

| sport

Gavi was in Los Palacios y Villafranca yesterday, where he was honoured together with Jesús Navas and Fabián Ruiz, as protagonists of the Nations league title won by Spain last Sunday, in the Sevillian municipality where he was born.

The Barcelona player took the opportunity to give his point of view on the insults he received in Madrid when he was celebrating the title with the whole national team and played down the importance of what happened: "Everyone thinks the way they want and says what they want. I'm very calm. I'm calm and my family knows it," he said.

Gavi also took the opportunity to tell his fellow countrymen that despite having left his hometown very soon "I always have Villafranca and Los Palacios in my mind". Gavi, on the other hand, will have one of the three fields in the Seville town named after him, as confirmed by the mayor of the municipality, Juan Manuel Valle.

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