Prosecutors ask Supreme Court to confirm Messi prison sentence

Prosecutors ask Supreme Court to confirm Messi prison sentence

Messi, a su salida de la Audiencia de Barcelona
Messi, a su salida de la Audiencia de Barcelona | sport

The Supreme Court is reviewing Messi's appeal behind closed doors

They will reveal their decision on the Barça star's punishment in the coming days

Prosecutors have asked the Supreme Court to confirm the 21-month prison sentence a Barcelona court gave to football player Lionel Messi and his father, Jorge. The Supreme Court on Thursday reviewed, behind closed doors, the appeal presented by Messi and his father. 

A Barcelona court condemned the Argentine international and his father for having defrauded the Tax Office of 4.1 million euros by using tax havens to avoid paying taxes on image rights. 

The Supreme Court must decide whether or not they confirm the punishment or decide to vary it. They have studied the case but have still not revealed any details. They are expected to notify people of their decision in the coming days. 

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