EXCLUSIVE: Luis Suarez talks Barcelona, Ballon d'Or, goals, biting, psychologists and anger

EXCLUSIVE: Luis Suarez talks Barcelona, Ballon d'Or, goals, biting, psychologists and anger

George Best, Juanito, Eric Cantona, Hristo Stoichkov... Every era has had a player that has been vilified for their behaviour. Players that had exceptional talent but were more famous for their attitudes and excesses.

In recent years, the name Luis Suarez has been linked with all sorts of controversies, from rabid racism, recalcitrant diving all the way through to aggressive and uncontrolled behaviour. There have been a thousand and one attempts to bad mouth the player.

The Uruguayan has been the first to recognise his errors, admit his faults, suffer on his own and to look for professional help; but he is still aware that he has been the object of a smear campaign at times. 

Signing for Barcelona has been a catharsis, a divine blessing and a chance at redemption. Here he can begin to feel like a footballer again. A footballer and just that. And Luis Suarez is football in bold letters. The rest is in the past. 

His only word in this religion is football and just football. Amen.

For a striker to play with Messi is easy or difficult?

Very easy. I enjoy playing with Messi. Obviously, as a striker you would like to score more goals. But while the team is doing well there is no problem at all. It is incredible to have the best player in the world next to you. He has silenced the doubts about his game. His play benefits the team.

But do you not feel the forwards are in the shadows of Messi's play?

We don't play just for Messi. We play as 11. The priority is that we know that there are players who can make the difference, like Messi, Neymar or Iniesta. Players that give you confidence when the ball is at their feet. We try to rotate in the game depending on what can help the team. We try to combine as the manager asks. 

What's been your best game for Barça?

I don't know. Maybe against Almeria because I felt most involved. The truth is that as games go by I am feeling more comfortable, helping the team when I can. I don't have a fixed game.

As a striker, do you prefer to win 2-0 with your goals or 5-0 without scoring?

That the team wins 5-0, with a good attitude and a good performance. If you win with your own goals you feel happy, but the important thing is always the team. I don't think of myself.

For now, you are assisting more than scoring...

I always have the label of a goal scorer, but I always like setting up goals as well. But I also know that I came here to score goals, not just to give passes to set them up. I came here because I've scored a lot of goals in my career, especially at Liverpool. Fortunately I'm more than that. 

Do you feel people have tried to label you a bad egg?

I would say yes, but if I had not given them reasons they may not have given me that tag.

But they have gone for you?

They've accused me of being a racist without any evidence of what happened with [Patrice] Evra. They also accuse me of being a diver, simulating fouls, but I've only ever had one yellow card for that. I've been given that tag but it is a lie.

But the bites are a problem, right?

Yes. I've learned that I couldn't fix that on my own. I thought I could, but no. I needed professional help to allow me to see things in a different way.

Are you talking about a psychologist?

Yes. Professional that help you with your errors; help you learn. After commiting the same mistake three times it was time to put an end to it.

There's a psychologist at Barça, Joaquin Valdes - has he helped you?

I know him from around the club, but in that sense he has not done anything special with me. 

What have you been taught? To change your style of play?

No, my way of playing, my way of being will not change. On the pitch I am more conscious, I think a second before I do something. Sometimes I didn't think. 

It's clear that fans are hooked on you. You only have to see the ovation you got when you were taken off in the Catalan derby against Espanyol...

The truth is that I'm thrilled with that kind of detail, that the whole of Camp Nou applauds you, it is amazing. I feel comfortable thanks to the treatment I have received, but I hope to do a lot better.

What do you mean?

Well, because I was angry with my game. Only with myself, not with the team.


Because I thought I lost balls I shouldn't lose. I didn't feel comfortable with myself at any moment.

You're very self-critical...

Yes, very.

And the anger lasts long?

I try not to let it show at home so that it doesn't affect my family. But I have learned that it's not always a bad thing to be frustrated.

Do you watch the game back later at home?

No. It's an inner-anger more than anything.

Are you ready for the moment when the fans demand goals?

Yes, I know [it could come]. At the moment with Leo and Neymar scoring they are not looking at me closely. I'm not obsessed with scoring, but I'm eager to score. 

Do you notice the team growing recently?

Of course. In recent weeks the team has found a way of playing, the way we want to be on the pitch, with good results. This has improved our confidence for the next game. Winning a derby is always good. 

Do you have a favourite for the Ballon d'Or?

All players want to win the Ballon d'Or and whoever says they don't is lying. It's normal in the life of a football player.  I've always said the best player in the world is Messi for all he has done and all he is doing in football. In reality, I still don't know what they base the Ballon d'Or on.

What do you mean?

To start, I still don't know for sure if it is from July to June of January to December. Leo got to the final of the World Cup, Neuer won it. Cristiano was eliminated in the first round. Cristiano won the Champions League, but ended third in la Liga, while Neuer won his league. After so many months with so many goals it's incredible people don't make Messi the favourite. What is clear is that there are campaigns in certain places. 

You, for example, weren't nominated despite your year...

If the criteria is from July to June I should be there on merit, but if it includes the World Cup then maybe I have to admit I don't deserve to be there because of my actions on the pitch. I still don't know the criteria for the award, though.

And PSG - you have to win, no?

Our objective is to come first [in the group]. We have the capacity and the quality to do that. We are the first to know that we have to finish top.