Ernesto Valverde's plans for Lionel Messi against Inter Milan

Ernesto Valverde's plans for Lionel Messi against Inter Milan

Messi vuelve a entrenarse once días después de su lesión / | EFE

The coach picked Messi in the squad to travel to Italy

Ernesto Valverde, Barcelona coach, has included Leo Messi in the squad list for the Inter - Barcelona match in the Champions League. He has done it without Messi having his medical clearance, but it is already a first step. The fact that he is in the squad means that Leo Messi is not here to go sightseeing in Milan or accompany the team. Messi goes for something else. He travels to Milan to be available to Valverde, who in the end will be the one who will have the last word. If Messi was hurt, he would be discarded from the squad.

Messi has trained each training more and more and is expected to be working this afternoon in the training session at the San Siro. Barca will not risk him, but if the player has medical clearance, everything indicates that they will reach a consensus between the player, the doctors and Ernesto Valverde himself. Therefore, everything points to Messi being on the bench, with his chances of starting slim. However if Messi asks to play from the off it would not be a surprise if his request was accepted.

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