Ernesto Valverde's new and essential Ivan Rakitic

Ernesto Valverde's new and essential Ivan Rakitic

Rakitic abrió la lata ante el Betis, culminando una buena contra del Barça / | LALIGA

The Croatian has been playing closer to Busquets with the arrival of Valverde

Ernesto Valverde has deployed a 4-4-2 which is suiting the team well. Against Real Betis Sergio Busquets and Ivan Rakitic played together inside, with Andre Gomes and Sergi Roberto wider. 

Rakitic was the best player and scored the opener as well as setting up a goal for Luis Suarez.

The Croatian has been one of the big beneficiaries of Valverde's arrival. Rakitic has stopped being a player that had to cover a lot of ground behind Messi on the right and instead a key man in the construction of moves in the middle.

Close to busi

Valverde has given him a new role, floating near Busquets and being an important player for the team in the middle. Using four central midfielders allows the Croatian to get a lot closer to the opposition's area - before he was a lot more concerned with defending than attacking.

Rakitic has moved away from the wide positions, which was limiting him. In Valverde's Barca the wings are for full-backs and so Rakitic can work nicely with Busquets in the middle.


Rakitic has played a lot of games for Valverde. 20 in La Liga, all six in the Champions League, four in the Copa del Rey and two in the Spanish Super Cup. A total of 2,362 minutes, with 1,632 of those in La Liga.

Last season he appeared less regularly - by this time last season he had played 597 minutes less, the equivalent of six games. He has become crucial for Valverde and the stats show it.