Deco stops being Raphinha's agent to take Barça sporting director role

Deco stops being Raphinha's agent to take Barça sporting director role

| sport

The former footballer has to leave his agency behind to focus on his job at Barcelona

Barcelona's new sporting director, Deco, has been in the job for days, even though his appointment has not been made official. The fact that he is in the process of dissolving his representation company prevents him from doing so, and little by little he is dissociating himself from it and from his players.

Deco has recently travelled to Portugal to advance the proceedings and break the link that he still had as the agent of Raphinha, the Barça winger. This movement has already been made while waiting to know who will be the new agent of the Blaugrana player.

In any case, Deco is no longer or will not be in a matter of hours, as he had committed himself in order not to incur in manifest incompatibilities.

Barça reckon that Deco will be able to start officially at the beginning of July and will be officially presented. The ex-player is working on an organisational chart in which his trusted people will have access to the club and duplicities will almost certainly be eliminated.

It is time to make savings and Barça are also going to make changes in the sports area, which will have to move forward with less staff as it has done up to now. Deco has a clear idea of how to organise everything.

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