Cuatro accuse Luis Suarez of calling Filipe Luis a "diving clown"

Cuatro accuse Luis Suarez of calling Filipe Luis a "diving clown"

Suarez was booked but Madrid based media thought he deserved a red card and started a campaign against him

Luis Suarez tackled Filipe Luis hard in the 84th minute and saw a deserved yellow card. He was late to the ball and caught the defender’s foot. The Rojiblanco star hit the turf and Suarez first went to apologise, but then they started arguing.

Despite this being something which happens on thousands of pitches every weekend, a campaign was mounted against Suarez, including Filipe posting a picture of his foot on Instagram. 

Part of the campaign is television station Cuatro posting a video up of what Suarez supposedly said to Filipe Luis, although there is no way of demonstrating if he actually said these words or not. They claim that Suarez told Filipe: “You dived, clown.” Words that despite being impossible to verify, damage the image of Luis Suarez.