Camp Nou joins in the fight against Covid-19

Camp Nou joins in the fight against Covid-19

Más de un centenar de personas han participado como voluntarios en una recogida de muestras en el Camp Nou para un estudio de prevención de nuevos contagios de Covid-19, que lideran los doctores Oriol Mitjà y Bonaventura Clotet, promotores de la campaña #YoMeCorono. / | EFE

More than 100 people took part in an event at the stadium to try something

More than 100 people took part in a study against coronavirus at Camp Nou, by the Fundació Lluita contra la Sida i les Malalties Infeccioses.

Those in charge of the study were happy with it. They wanted to try a combination of drugs which would reduce the transmission of the virus. The study was to check if a certain medicine stopped people who had been in contact with the virus giving it to other people in the same way, or if it was much lighter.

Around 3,000 volunteers took part in the study, divided in two groups, treatment and control.

People who had been diagnosed positive with Covid-19 stayed at home and took the drugs. Those in contact with those affected by the virus did the same. 

They got the medicine from around the stadium - one of the Barca foundations actions to help in the fight against the pandemic.

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