Barca tie down Lamine Yamal's generation: Future stars to come

Barca tie down Lamine Yamal's generation: Future stars to come

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They are 16 years old and dream of playing for Barça's first team one day - and one already has.

Most of them have played this season with Cadete A but some have competed regularly with the Juvenil B and even with the A team. The club is aware that the generation of 20007 is very special and for this reason the management of youth football led by José Ramón Alexanko and Toni Hernández have made every effort to secure the future of these players, who are obviously very attractive to other clubs. 

As well as working to announce Lamine Yamal's renewal soon, Barça are also hoping to secure the future of Andalusian left-sided centre-back Andrés Cuenca, who, like all of the above, has attracted the attention of many clubs interested in his services. 

Iván de la Peña's 1976 generation was christened the 'Quinta del Mini'. The Barça canteranos born in 1987 formed the Dream Team of La Masia with Messi, Piqué and Cesc as standard bearers. In 1991 the generation of Thiago, Romeu, Bartra and Tello was born. The Barça team of the future depends on the growth of Lamine Yamal's generation. The harvest of 2007 can be more than profitable for Barça in the coming years. 


Max Bonfill

He will be in his seventh season at Barça. His progression is constant. His height transmits security to the whole team. 

Eder Aller

Goalkeeper with great potential but who so far has had few minutes in his first season at Barça. He has great reflexes.

Guillem Victor

A very technical and quick right-back who stands out in the offensive phase of the game. His marking ability has improved this last season. 

Xavi Espart

Creative inside player who in the last season has revealed himself as a modern full-back with a great change of pace and precision in assists. He has class and is versatile. 

Pau Cubarsí

The most promising centre-back project from La Masia. With class to get the ball out, he stands out above all for his aggressiveness and forcefulness. 

Leo Saca

Of Moldavian origin, he has gone from being a left-footed pivot to consolidating his position as a centre-back. Exquisite when it comes to creating play from the defence. Good aerial play.

Albert Navarro

Despite being a cadet, this last season he has been a starter with the Juvenil B team. A very powerful left back who also performs perfectly at centre-back.

Jofre Torrents

Very deep left-back capable of assisting like a winger. He is also skilful to play on the inside and can link up wonderfully with the midfielders. 

Marc Bernal

Has played for Barça since he was a pre-benjamin. He has always stood out for being a very powerful left-sided inside player with an eye for goal. His physical exuberance has allowed him to excel in the pivot position in the last season. 

Dani Ávila

Midfielder from Murcia who alternates the position of midfielder and inside midfielder. He is very intelligent and has a formidable outside shot. 

Adrià Muñoz

Very fast and deep winger who can also play as a '9'. He has a knack for scoring goals. 

Juan Hernández

The player from Teruel is one of the great jewels of this generation. In Zaragoza he was a playmaker, in Barça he can play as a false '9', winger or even inside. Great dribbler. 

Quim Junyent

Very classy inside player. Does not lose balls and assists the strikers with precise passes. He has never stood out for his height but he has gained a lot of physical strength and this allows him to be a more complete midfielder. 

Lamine Yamal

The great talent of this generation. His spectacular technical level allows him to unbalance in every action. Passer, crosser and finisher of great level thanks to a stellar left foot.

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