Barça's Luis Suarez: I've been surprised by Valverde... in a good way

Barça's Luis Suarez: I've been surprised by Valverde... in a good way

Luis Suárez: Valverde me ha sorprendido / | Laura M. Guerrero

Suarez was asked to compare Luis Enrique and Valverde

Both coaches have helped him, but both are very different

During his interview with SPORT, Luis Suarez has spoken about his relationship with new coach Ernesto Valverde and the impact he's had on Barcelona. 

"Training is different because each coach has their own style of work. I always adapt because at the end of the day coaches look for the best for their players," he said. 

"You can tell that they [Valverde and his assistant Jose Antonio Pozanco] have played before and know the players and the club well. The manager has surprised me in a good way, due to his relationship with the squad, how he talks and how he lives."

For the striker, there are differences between Valverde and Luis Enrique, although both have helped him during his time at Camp Nou. 

"Luis Enrique had a similar way of playing [to coaching]," he said when asked if Valverde was calmer than Lucho. "When I'm a coach, if I am, don't ask me to be calm because I am not on the pitch.

"Everyone has their way of being, they have different personalities but they have both helped me. Valverde's more relaxed when he speaks to you because he's a coach with more experience and he knows how to treat the players." 

Suarez also spoke about his situation on the pitch, where he's tended to move to the left this season, with Lionel Messi as a false nine at times. 

"Obviously when there's a player like Ney, it is different," he said. "But it's not the manager who asks me to play there [on the left], I go there because I see there's no one there.

"The manager knows where I can perform, what my position is and where I feel comfortable. If I go the the left, it's because I see space, not because of system." 

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