Barça send Gavi support after midfielder's speech ruined by Spain fans

Barça send Gavi support after midfielder's speech ruined by Spain fans

| sport

Supporters in Madrid booed and chanted 'P*** Barça' as Gavi thanked them for their support

The celebration of the UEFA Nations League won by the Spanish national team was marred by booing and insults aimed at Gavi and Barcelona. A section of the crowd at the WiZink Center in Madrid on Monday staged an unfortunate episode against the player, a key player in Spain's victory in the tournament.

The young player, like the rest of his teammates, addressed the fans to say a few words of thanks. However, part of the crowd took the opportunity to chant 'P*** Barça' (F**k Barça) while booing the player from Los Palacios as he tried to start his speech.

The perplexed look on the faces of his teammates reflected the tense moment the midfielder experienced during the celebration. The player cut off the chants as quickly as possible with a short speech that did not silence the boos: "Good afternoon, I'm going to be short. I wanted to thank all the Spaniards and the fans who have supported us in these two games. Without them it would not have been possible," he said.

In response to the incidents that took place on Monday afternoon, FC Barcelona sent a message of support to the player with a post on social media to defend him after one of the most unfortunate moments of the celebration.

The post shows a photograph of the player kissing the badge in reference to the derogatory chants against the club during the Nations League celebrations. As a message, two blue and blue hearts, a show of support for the player in one of the hardest moments of his career.

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