Barça coach Xavi on Coutinho exit: 'I've not spoken with Philippe"

Barça coach Xavi on Coutinho exit: 'I've not spoken with Philippe"

| sport

Coutinho is a candidate to leave to make room for new signings

Philippe Coutinho is one of the Barcelona players the club hope will leave in January to make room on their wage bill for new signings.

The Brazilian playmaker is not in the club's future plans and work is being done on finding him a new home to continue his career.

Barça need to free up space to register Ferran Torres and any other new arrivals, but coach Xavi Hernandez says he's not yet spoken with Coutinho.

El Barça necesita hacer caja para poder cerrar las tan necesarias incorporaciones y sobre ello se ha referido Xavi Hernández en la rueda de prensa previa al duelo de Copa frente al Linares. No ha hablado con Coutinho, pero el jugador ya sabe que el club le necesita lejos del Camp Nou.

"I have not spoken with Philippe," Xavi said in Tuesday's press conference. "He's a great professional and always contributed when he plays. 

"[But] for signings, there have to be exits, that's obvious. Alves will be registered but with Ferran we will see with departures or if Ousmane renews. We need to balance the accounts [to make] signings. We're working on it, but I have not spoken with Philippe." 

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