Barça coach Valverde gives his opinion on another Copa final mess

Barça coach Valverde gives his opinion on another Copa final mess

Valverde, durante la sesión preparatoria de este sábado
Valverde, durante la sesión preparatoria de este sábado | VALENTÍ ENRICH

Valverde says it would be best to decide the venue earlier

However, he's keeping out of the debate and leaving it to others

Ernesto Valverde was asked for his opinion on the date and venue for the Copa del Rey final, which Barcelona will play in against Sevilla. 

The date has been pencilled in for April 21 but Barça feel another date may be more suitable, while the venue has still not been confirmed. 

Valverde, pragmatic as always, said: "It would be better if the venue for the final was chosen at the beginning of the season." 

However, he didn't want to get too involved in the debate: "Our job is to get to the final, others can worry about the rest. It's something which happens ever year, this year's no different. But it's not one of my concerns." 

If played on April 21, Barça could find themselve playing the final after a league game on April 18 and a potential Champions League semifinal first leg three days later. 

"I hadn’t had time to look at all those things," Valverde responded when asked about a potential fixture pile up.

"It's something the club has to decide in our best interests. If I had to play all those things in a short space of time, a few months ago, I would have signed up for it."