Barça boss Valverde annoyed by question about his side's style

Barça boss Valverde annoyed by question about his side's style

 El técnico azulgrana habló sobre el estilo de juego de su equipo  / | PERFORM

Despite winning 3-0, some have criticised Valverde's set up against Liverpool

Barcelona coach Ernesto Valverde was asked about one of the topics which is cause for debate among fans of the Catalan club: the way his side played against Liverpool. Some of said the plan for the game was conservative and the manager was annoyed when questioned on the issue before Saturday's league game at Celta Vigo. 

Valverde gave a very serious response and said that he had "nothing to say" before adding: "We won and have hada recognisable a way of playing for a long time. Sometime the rival don't allow us to play our game and we have to adapt to the circumstances, which is what we've done." 

The Barça boss pointed out the difficulty of facing Liverpool and suggested that was the reason Barça weren't perhaps the Barça people like to watch all the time. 

He added: "It was such a demanding game. It took a huge physical effort. All Champions League games are at that level. The rhythm of the game is superior. Now we have a little room to move [because La Liga's won] and we will try to take advantage of that." 

Valverde wanted to turn the page and focus on the La Liga trip to Celta Vigo this weekend.