Barca and Croatia star Ivan Rakitic on staying for club and country

Barca and Croatia star Ivan Rakitic on staying for club and country

Rakitic liderará junto a Modric el camino de su selección a la Eurocopa de 2020
Rakitic liderará junto a Modric el camino de su selección a la Eurocopa de 2020 | sport

He spoke about the national team and moving from Camp Nou this summer

FC Barcelona player Ivan Rakitic gave an interview to Croatian newspaper Novi List in which he spoke about his decision to stay - for both club and country.

After getting to the World Cup final with Croatia he decided to stay and play for his national team despite Mandzukic, Subasic and Corluka retiring. Rakitic is 30 but decided "in the end I realised that the desire to represent was stronger than anything else.

"There's no bigger motive than wearing the shirt of my country and putting my hand on my heart when they play the anthem."

On the other hand the midfielder was asked about situation at Barca. 

"I read everything they wrote about the topic. It's true that other big clubs wanted me," said the Craotian in reference to his possible exit from Barca this summer.

"I spoke sincerely with my wife and reached the conclusion that I am happy and proud to be part of this great club and to be able to defend the colours. It's not the moment to go. After everything, for who is it easy to walk away from Barcelona?"

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