Andres Iniesta: We can focus when the transfer window closes

Andres Iniesta: We can focus when the transfer window closes

El centrocampista manchego pugnando con Wakaso
El centrocampista manchego pugnando con Wakaso | AFP

The player spoke about getting down to business

Iniesta was happy with the team's win over Alaves on Saturday

At the end of the Barcelona’s 2-0 win at Alaves, Andres Iniesta showed his satisfaction “as much on a collective level, for the win, as a personal level, I’m doing very well after they bury. I think this triumph will strengthen us for the future. We did well, played with patience, always alert, not letting anything slip in any moment despite things not going how we wanted. And once more, Leo Messi was effective when we needed him to be. We are very happy with the triumph.”

For the midfielder “it was important to head into the international break with six points. The truth is that afterwards we can take on games with more tranquility. The noise comes from outside, in terms of transfers. The closing of the market will allow us to focus totally on our work. We will see how the squad is but it’s clear that from now, and after having dealt with the first games well, we have to grow day by day. We are expecting immediate hard tests coming up.”