Aleix Vidal: I will give 1000 percent to be a success at Barcelona

Aleix Vidal: I will give 1000 percent to be a success at Barcelona

The right-back is back in the mix after impressing in the Champions League on Tuesday

Aleix Vidal feels important again after three months without playing for Barcelona. He impressed against Borussia Monchengladbach at right-back and valued his performance as "positive. After three months without playing it's difficult to adapt and to play like today."

The Blaugrana full-back added that he's had to remain "calm. I had to work hard mentally because the situation I've gone through was not what I expected when I arrived. So I've worked hard mentally." 

As for if he thinks he will have more chances, the 27-year-old assured that he doesn't know because "the manager is in charge and I will continue respecting his decisions. He picks who he thinks deserves to play and I will keep working 200 percent in training." 

He insisted that it's key to "work on the mental aspects. Thanks to my wife I've been able to keep going. I've had to work hard, have faith in myself and accept the situation." 

Vidal says that his situation is "difficult, I didn't think I would go so long without playing. Today's performance would not have been possible without working hard in training."

And he also says the situation is "just sporting. With the manager there are no problems. I'm not a person who looks for problems and I never will. What I do is work hard for when I get a chance and, like today, to be able to take advantage of it." 

He hopes he can "change the situation. I enjoy every day that I am here. I've never said I want to leave and I will always work 1000 percent to be able to be a success here."