Argentina manual tells journalists how to flirt with Russian girls

Argentina manual tells journalists how to flirt with Russian girls

Estos son los principales puntos del polémico manual de la AFA / | sport

The AFA are offering advice on how to chat up women at the World Cup

The Argentine Football Federation (AFA) have published a manual offering advice for journalists covering the World Cup summer and it includes a section on how to flirt with women in Russia. 

The controversial manual has been distributed among around 40 journalists who will accompany the team through this summer's finals. According to the manual, it was edited by "a third party outside the AFA who lived in Russia for many years." 

As well as subjects such as language and Russian culture, it also, bizarrely, includes a section on how to chat up women. 

"What to do if you have a chance with a Russian girl," it begins. "The Russian women, like other women, pay a lot of attention if you are clean, smell nice and are well dressed. The first impression is very important for them. Pay attention to your image." 

As well as the journalists, the manual will also be delivered to board members, players and coaches who are travelling to the World Cup. 

Within minutes of the images of the manual being shared on social media, it had gone viral. It was soon edited with the section removed, but some journalists still have the original. 

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Pie de foto | AUTOR FOTO
Pie de foto | AUTOR FOTO

It added: "Many men, because Russian women are beautiful, only want to take them to bed. Maybe they want that, too, but they are people who want to feel important, unique. The advice is to treat the woman like she's someone with value. 

"Russian women like men to take the initiative, if you don't have confidence in yourself then you need to practice speaking with women more. on't worry, there are a lot of beautiful women in Russia and not all of them are right for you. Be selective."  

Other advice includes "don't be negative," "don't ask the typical questions," and "be careful, some are interested only in money and material things."