The referee didn't notice any abnormalities with Valladolid's pitch

The referee didn't notice any abnormalities with Valladolid's pitch

El árbitro no detectó anomalías en el césped de Valladolid
El árbitro no detectó anomalías en el césped de Valladolid | EFE

According to the referee's report, he didn't have any issue with the playing surface for Barcelona's match against Valladolid at the 'Nuevo Zorrilla'

The ripped up remains of the poorly prepared pitch at the 'Nuevo Zorrilla' stadium continues to be the main talking point following yesterday evening's match between Valladolid and Barcelona. Everybody has recognised the disgraceful state of the playing surface. That is, everybody except the referee last night Ricardo de Burgos Bengoetxea.

The report in question, which is always made available on the Real Federacion Española de Futbol's website, has a curious line to it. One of the questions is the following: "Deficiencies observed in the playing surface or facilities." And the referee wrote: "None."

And this is after the players, as well as the president of Valladolid Carlos Suarez, admitted the pitch wasn't of the required standard. This report needs to be evaluated by LaLiga, as they do every game, as 'match directors'. This is a personalised service from LaLiga as they organise every aspect of league matches in the competition. And it appears that, having seen what they saw last night, Real Valladolid can expect to be hit with a huge fine.