Rakitic: Playing without Messi is like playing without the ball

Rakitic: Playing without Messi is like playing without the ball

The Croatian midfielder highlighted the Argentine's importance ahead of Tuesday's game

Ivan Rakitic appeared in front of the media before the Champions League game between Manchester City and Barcelona. 

The midfielder said that Tuesday’s game will have nothing to do with the one which was played at Camp Nou earlier in October. 

“We need to forget the first match, that’s in the past and has nothing to do with tomorrow’s game,” he said. 

“It’s important to play as well as we can, it will be a really big occasion and we really want to win.”

He also spoke about Lionel Messi: “Asking if Messi is the best is like asking if it’s better to play with or without the ball.” 

With Andres Iniesta missing, Rakitic will have a more important role in midfield, although he says it will take a collective effort, not an individual one, to fill in for the club captain. 

“A lot changes (without Iniesta) because he’s unique player, not just recently but throughout his career,” he explained.  

“Almost 14 years with the first team and he’s given a lot in that time. He’s unique. 

“Others have different qualities, which is why we will try to be strong together. 

“Whoever replaces Andres we will have to be together and help them. Quality like Andres’ is difficult to find, but as a team we can overcome this. We hope he’s back soon. We miss him.”