Police investigating irregularities surrounding Luis Suarez's Italian exam

Suarez was in Perugia last week as part of plan to obtain Italian citizenship
Police are looking into irregularities surrounding the Italian test Barcelona striker Luis Suarez took in Perugia last week. According to various reports in Italy, the exam taken by Suarez is under suspicion for supposed anomalies.
It's reported that the Barça players received the questions in advance, which is not allowed. One of the reasons the police were alerted was because the exam lasted just 30 minutes. It usually takes two hours.
Shortly after that news came out, it was also claimed that it was pre-decided that Suarez would pass the exam via the interpretation of a number of phone calls.
"He does not speak a word of Italian," was supposedly said. "He does not conjugate verbs, he only speaks using the infinitive. If journalists ask him questions, he’d be lost. He earns €10m per year, he needs to pass this exam."
Pending developments, it's the latest twist in a messy summer for Suarez. When he looked set to join Atletico Madrid, Barcelona have backtracked on an agreement to allow him to leave for free, according to Onda Cero.
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